Bauhaus Condos is a new condo development by Lamb Development Corp. and Fortress Real Developments currently in preconstruction at 284 King Street East, Toronto. The development is scheduled for completion in 2021. Sales for available units start from the mid $400,000's. Bauhaus Condos has a total of 205 units, sizes range from 457 to 3414 square feet.
Bauhaus Condos Highlights:
- Has a walkscore of 97/100: walkable EVERYWHERE
- Located in the Moss Park neighbourhood in Toronto
- Easy access to the DVP
- Across the street from George Brown College
- Walking distance to St. Lawrence Market
- Close to shops, restaurants and schools
- Has a transit score of 100/100: world class public transportation
- Nearby parks include Moss Park, St. James Park and Sculpture Gardens
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